The Fantom Doorstop has been designed to create the most visually appealing doorstop on the market, whilst keeping in mind the need for supreme functionality.
The flush mounted pin alleviates trip hazards whilst maintaining a modern, desirable finish. The concealed rare earth magnet technology ensures exceptional mechanical functionality.
Our goal is to give designers, architects, builders and home owners a better doorstop solution that will not only out perform all doorstops on the market, but will create a safer and more convientent environment for home owners, staff, patients and all people alike around the world.
Design Challenge
The need arose for a method of stopping the door in a certain location that did not pose a trip hazard. The problem was often encountered in bathrooms, where doors would open up against a shower or a toilet. The only solution was to install a standard door/floor mounted stop right against the wall, close to the hinges. This is not ideal as it created a leverage stress point for the door when opened quickly or leant against.
-A solution was needed that would stop the door in a desired location
-It would be located in a position that did not pose a "stress" to the hinges or the structure of the door.
-It would not be a trip hazard
-It would not be visually invasive
-It would be a modern and sleek design
Design Solution
The solution was a pop up doorstop. But how to make it work? Different options were considered including electronics and sensors but were dismissed, given the viability of cost and installation. When the strength of a high powered rare earth neodymium magent was realised, the answer was clear. But how to stop/hold/release the door was the next challenge, and the noise! This is where the design came into it, and many prototypes. Eventually the right powered magnet was found, combined with the best functioning striker phase. This combination brought about a fast activation and strong hold open, but not too strong. The ramped striker plate allowed a smooth operation for both engagement and release and the plastic overmould on the pin allowed for quick/smooth function. Every part of the product is non magnetic except for the pin, which focuses all the power of the magnet where it needs to be- on the pin. Stainless steel or different types of tough plastic/nylon form materials of the product. The pin is a highly magnetic chrome plated, bright steel
Design Impact
The Fantom Doorstop now offers designers and architects flexibility in layout, more freedom of design where in the past, a cavity sliding door would be specified, there is now another option. The consumer now has the option to make an interesting feature out of their doorstop, rather than accepting the current option of a bulky floor or wall mounted doorstop. Public and commercial areas can now offer safety for wheelchair bound people or patients in hospitals.
Designed here in South Australia using a team of innovators, engineers, graphic designers, prototype machinists and businessmen, the impact has been considerable. We now employ 4 people and contract in our design and marketing and freight forwarding, using other SA businesses. We have been the catalyst for the creation of another SA business, who now over sees our production in china, which employs 3 people, plus a team in china.